
  A selection of Articles and  Dog World Breed Notes which may be of interest.
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Colour - Fashion or Function

Diamondridge Royal Gold - A Tribute to an Exceptional Ridgeback

Intelligence of Ridgebacks and Journalists

Breeding Ridged to Ridgeless - The R R Club of GB Conference

The Past and the Progress

Dermoid Sinus Ridgelessness and Culling

Gastric Torsion and Feeding Large Kibble for Large Dogs

Opinion on Showing in Number Order

Overview of the Year 2005

Hip Scoring System in the UK

Early Ridgebacks in the UK

Standard Colours

Big Hearts for Endurance

The French Club Show and International Show Pontoise, France

Overview of the U K Show Scene 2001

Origins of the Rhodesian Ridgeback

The Legend of the Lion Dog

Importance of the Ridge

Flair goes to Denmark

World Congress 2000 in Garderen, Holland

Overview of the U K Show Scene 2000

Ridgebacks in the New Millennium

Ridgeback Bloodhound?

Wild cattle inbred for 700 years