
Royal Gold


Hip Score 4:6




Ch. Diamondridge



Hip Score 3:3


Elveslands Gandoph



Ch. Mirengo’s Mandambo

Simba of Sterlingshire

Mirengo’s Mandara

Matabelle Lulenga

Ch. Zuri Kubwa Wazat

Ironsy Imhotep


Diamondridge Kushika

2 Reserve CCs

Hip Score 3:2

Ch. Umtali M’Toto

Ch. Aldonnels Abo

My Girl Sheeba

Watersrand Wanda

Matabelle Madahiro

Pyewipe Serena of Watersrand



Voortrekker Lya Pompa of Diamondridge


Stud Book No. 2287CF

1 Reserve CC

Hip Score 5:3


Roseridge Regent of Matabelle


US. Ch. Copyline’s  

       Broadway Danny Rose

US. Ch. Rob Norm’s Shara’s G. Dagga

US. Ch. Copyline’s Myra Breckenridge

SN. Ch. Umtali Assegai of


Ch. Matabelle Marksman

Umtali Diamond Lil


Ch. Matabelle Mayfair

Nhema of Gunthwaite


Rhod. Ch. Challenges Chipo


Ch. Matabelle Mahogany

Ch. Mirengo’s Mandambo

Ch. Matabelle Nyoni